FCINY offers residencies for professional architects, artists, designers, and curators through its independent residency program. The focus of the residency programs lies in artistic dialogue and cultural exchange in addition to individual artistic research and creative work. Each residency includes housing, access to a local hosting organization, travel, and a monthly compensation.
The programs are particularly suitable for artists and professionals who are seeking to expand their international network in the US, and who wish to take advantage of the tailored relation-building support each residency program provides. Each residency is conducted in collaboration with a local partner. For more information about the program, please see here.
Additionally, FCINY coordinates residencies for visual artists with established residency organizations in New York. Artist residencies at ISCP (International Studio and Curatorial Program) are made possible by Alfred Kordelin Foundation, and by Saastamoinen Foundation for alumni of the Fine Arts Academy of Finland. The Finnish Cultural Foundation supports residencies at Triangle Arts Association.
List of artists, architects and designers in residence 1990-2021
The application time for residencies has ended.
Find more info on 2025 residencies from the open call.
FCINY Residency
The Finnish Cultural Institute has been running a residency program for Finnish (or Finland-based) architects, designers, and artists in New York City since 1990. Since its initiation, the Institute has hosted over 600 Finnish or Finland-based visual arts professionals. For the selected artists, architects, curators, and designers, the program offers a creative working and research period, as well as professional networking opportunities. 1-2 month residencies in New York are supported but not fully funded.
International Studio and Curatorial Program ISCP
Since 2012 FCINY has collaborated with the International Studio and Curatorial Program ISCP and the Alfred Kordelin Foundation.
This program is tailored to meet the needs of Finnish or Finland-based artists. The residencies run for six months and allow the artists a more concentrated period of work by granting them a studio space at the ISCP and an apartment in Williamsburg as well as a grant for material expenses. In 2018 an alumni residency and curator residencies were added to the program. There is currently no open call scheduled for this program.
Since 2015, ISCP has also hosted residencies for alumni of the Academy of Fine Arts in Finland, funded by Saastamoinen Foundation. The residencies are six months long and provide the artist with an apartment, studio and a grant.
Triangle Arts Association
FCINY has collaborated with Triangle Arts Association in Dumbo since 2014.
Two artists are chosen annually for a 3-month residency program. The program as well as application and selection processes are managed by the Finnish Cultural Foundation. The call for applications is in August.
Follow our social media and newsletter to find out about the open call for the FCINY independent residency programs in 2025. The call will be open for Finnish or Finland-based artists, curators, designers and architects.
Applications for the Triangle Residency, funded by The Finnish Cultural Foundation, are accepted annually in August.
Applications for the ISCP residency program for the alumni of the Academy of Fine Arts, supported by Saastamoinen Foundation, are accepted annually in February.

Kati Peltola on Reflections – in Glass and Upon Oneself

Kaarlo Stauffer on Nostalgia as a North Star

Stephanie Misa on Connecting Dots and Minding the Gaps

Nella Aarne on Navigating Circumstances

Hanna Anonen on Playfulness - As Both Attitude and Style

Anna Ruohonen on Focusing on the Individual

Milla Parkkali on Exploring the Experience of Architecture

Teemu Järvi on How to Connect to Nature Through Art

NOV–DEC 2021
Tero Kuitunen on Contemporary Design and Exploring Joy

Uwa Iduozee Studies Racist Algorithms

OCT–DEC 2020
Riitta Ikonen Embraces Environment

MAR–APR 2020
Exploring cities layer by layer with Eveliina Sarapää and Franka Oroza

FEB - APRIL 2020
Artist Yassine Khaled explores the means of our communication

JAN–JUN 2020
Anna Estarriola stages circumstances

JAN–FEB 2020
Marko Vuorinen sees the world through individuals

NOV–DEC 2019
Studio Finna wants to evoke emotions

NOV–DEC 2019
Pirjo Kääriäinen is driven by interdisciplinarity

JUL–DEC 2019
Art and Science collide in the works of Honkasalo-Niemi-Virtanen collective